Whoa, can you believe this mess? The GOP is seriously still supporting their main man Donald Trump after he got himself convicted of fraud. Talk about awkward. As if the walking felony wasn’t already risky for the 2024 election, now they’ve got all these Republicans defending his orange behind. Guess they didn’t get the memo that cons and cheats aren’t exactly who you want leading the country. But the right just keeps pushing for their big guy despite his major legal issues. Meanwhile, the rest of America is shaking their heads wondering how the party of law and order is rallying behind an actual criminal. If you ask me, hitching their wagon to shady Donny doesn’t seem like the best path to victory for the Republicans. But hey, I’m no political strategist. I’m just a regular gal watching this hot mess go down and wondering what the GOP was thinking. Seems to me backing a rule-breaking Prez could cost them big time with voters come election day. But maybe I’m missing something? Gotta say though, the whole thing has me scratching my head something fierce. Talk about a party divided! Buckle up folks, the road to 2024 is already a doozy.
Republican Support for Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Despite Trump’s conviction for fraud and tax evasion, senior Republicans continue to stand behind the disgraced former president. Nearly half of Republican voters say they’re now more likely to support Trump in 2024, seeing him as a “victim” of the justice system.
Embracing the Big Lie
Elected Republicans are doubling down on Trump’s “big lie” that the 2020 election was stolen, using it to justify laws restricting voting rights in key states. They’re sending a clear message that they value power over democracy or the rule of law. ###Ignoring the Damage Trump’s crimes severely damaged America’s standing on the global stage and faith in the presidency. Yet Republicans dismiss them as mere “process crimes” that “hurt no one.” In truth, Trump’s grift and corruption over four years in office severely undermined democratic norms and governance.
Foreshadowing a Pardon?
Some Republicans are already calling for Trump to be pardoned, despite a lack of remorse on his part. A pardon would reinforce the notion that there are two systems of justice in America – one for the wealthy and connected, another for everyone else.
A Dangerous Precedent
Allowing a criminal former president to continue leading a major political party would establish a treacherous new normal and open the door to even greater lawlessness and abuse of power in the future. Republicans must find the courage to stand up for integrity in government if they wish to be taken seriously on issues like fiscal responsibility or national security. The nation’s future hangs in the balance.
Trump’s Fraud Victimized the American People

Trump’s lies about election fraud have seriously undermined faith in American democracy and cost taxpayers millions. According to election officials, there is no evidence the 2020 election was rigged, yet nearly a third of Americans believe Biden only won due to voter fraud.
The Big Lie Comes at a Cost
Deploying thousands of National Guard troops to defend against phantom threats of violence on Inauguration Day cost over $500 million. Audits and recounts in states like Arizona and Wisconsin have turned up no evidence to support Trump’s claims of fraud but come with a hefty price tag of several million dollars.
A Divided Nation
Trump’s rhetoric has torn America in two, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Families have been torn apart over conflicting “facts.” The damage Trump has inflicted by stoking fear and disseminating misinformation may haunt America for generations.
An Assault on Democracy
By undermining faith in free and fair elections, Trump has dealt a blow to the very foundation of American democracy. If people don’t believe their voices and votes matter, that the system is rigged, why bother participating at all? Voter turnout in 2022 and beyond could suffer as a result.
While Trump continues to insist he is the victim of a giant hoax, the real victims are the American people and the democratic values the country was built on. By spreading lies and disinformation for his own political gain, the 45th president inflicted wounds on the nation that may never fully heal. Though Trump has left office, the “Big Lie” lives on, and its victims continue to mount.
The Hypocrisy of GOP Backing a Convicted Criminal

The Republican Party’s unwavering support of Donald Trump even after his felony conviction is the epitome of hypocrisy. For decades, the GOP has proclaimed itself as the party of “law and order,” harshly criticizing anyone who breaks the law.
Ignoring Crimes That Don’t Suit Them
Yet when it comes to Trump, they are willing to look the other way. His grifting and fraud apparently don’t bother them, even though he swindled millions from hardworking Americans. They insist his crimes are “process crimes” that “hurt no one,” refusing to acknowledge the real victims of his actions.
Fraud is fraud, regardless of who commits it or for what purpose. As a convicted felon, Trump has lost rights like voting, owning firearms, and holding public office. But the GOP wants to give him back the most powerful public office in the land. What message does that send? That “law and order” only applies to certain people, while others who share their views are above consequences.
Damaging Democracy for Power The Republican Party is so desperate to regain power that they will throw democracy and ethics aside to back a criminal candidate. Trump’s demagoguery and authoritarian tendencies endanger our democratic system of government. Yet as long as he promises to give them power and push their agenda, the GOP will ignore the threat he poses.
Their hypocrisy damages the integrity of our political system and the rule of law. If the party in power can pick and choose which laws apply based on their own self-interest, that imperils equality and justice for all citizens. The GOP may think they’re gaining a short-term political advantage, but the long-term costs to our democratic norms are far too high. Voters must stand up and say that no one, not even a former president, is above facing consequences for violating the law.
Trump Barred From Firearms and Voting Due to Felony Status

Now that Trump has been convicted of multiple felonies in New York, his status as a felon raises serious questions about his ability to possess firearms or vote in future elections.
As a convicted felon, Trump can no longer legally own or buy guns under federal law. His felony fraud convictions in New York strip him of his Second Amendment rights, at least for now. Of course, Trump has never been a big supporter of gun control laws, so this irony probably stings. Still, the law is the law, and as a felon Trump must forfeit his firearms.
Trump’s felony status also puts his voting rights in jeopardy. In New York, convicted felons lose their right to vote while incarcerated and on parole. Trump may eventually regain his voting rights, but not until he completes his full sentence, including any probation. The status of Trump’s voting rights is murky at best given the complexity of New York’s voter laws for felons. At a minimum, he won’t be voting in the 2024 election.
The Republican party’s continued support of Trump despite his felony convictions shows they care more about power than integrity or the rule of law. How can they back a candidate who can’t even legally own guns or vote? Their unwavering support of a convicted felon risks fracturing the party and alienating moderate Republicans and independents alike.
America was built on the principle that no one is above the law. By shielding Trump from the consequences of his actions, Republicans undermine this sacred value. Trump must face justice like any other citizen convicted of serious crimes. His felony status bars him from privileges most Americans take for granted and rightfully so. If Republicans insist on backing a felon for president, they betray the democratic values on which this nation was founded.
The Risks to Republicans of Supporting Trump in 2024

Alienating Moderate Voters By continuing to stand behind Trump despite his felony convictions, the GOP risks further alienating moderate and independent voters who rejected Trumpism in 2020 and helped deliver key states to Biden. Voters want to move on from the chaos and controversy of the Trump era. If the party fails to pivot to a more unifying message and candidate for 2024, it may face another disappointing defeat.
Damaging Trust in Institutions
The justice system convicted Trump of serious financial crimes in New York, yet leading Republicans argue the charges were politically motivated or the result of “prosecutorial overreach.” Such claims undermine faith in core democratic institutions like the rule of law. The party’s defense of Trump’s criminal behavior signals they believe some people, especially their own leaders, should be above legal consequences. This hypocrisy and erosion of principles will not be lost on voters.
Internal Divisions
While the GOP establishment may think backing Trump again is the path of least resistance, it risks re-opening deep fissures within the party that could hinder future success. Moderate conservatives who left the party in protest of Trump may not return if he regains control. Younger voters and candidates hoping to move the party in a new direction will face roadblocks. The cult of personality around Trump also gives him inordinate sway over Republican lawmakers and donors, limiting their ability to forge a new path.
Continuing to stand behind a controversial leader with a history of divisive rhetoric and dubious ethics is a risky strategy for a political party seeking to win over new voters and pass meaningful legislation. Republicans must decide whether Trump and Trumpism truly represent their values and vision for the future. The choice they make in 2024 could shape the party for generations.
So what’s the bottom line? The GOP seems willing to stand behind Trump as their 2024 nominee, despite the massive legal and political risks. Convicted felons face all kinds of restrictions in America, yet the Republican Party apparently thinks someone in that situation should lead the country. It’s a controversial stance that could easily backfire. But they’re doubling down anyway, showing loyalty to Trump no matter what. Whether that gamble pays off remains to be seen. The GOP is certainly rolling the dice by sticking with a tarnished candidate other parties wouldn’t touch. You have to wonder if voters will go along with it or if the party itself may ultimately regret not distancing itself when it had the chance. This is uncharted territory, but one thing’s for sure – the GOP isn’t flinching yet.
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